Jaime Bento
Jaime Bento

Jaime Bento

About Jaime Bento
My name is Jaime Bento and I am a Real Estate Consultant at DS Imobiliária Angra do Heroísmo I started this project in March 2024, in which I have been performing the functions of a Real Estate Consultant in accordance with the company´s guidelines and what the Real Estate sector requires. I entered this project already with some experience in the Real Estate area, having been a consultant in another Real Estate firm for 1 year and 6 months, also having experience in sales, particularly in the healthcare area where I worked for a period of 8 years and 6 months, as well as in the area of Industrial Painting and Automobile products for a period of 6 years and later in the IT area as a Commercial/Technical which I work to this day. Therefore, my entire professional life has been in the Sales area, in which I feel fulfilled and comfortable to be able to carry out it, in the best honest and transparent way, in all the businesses I undertake to carry out. At DS Imobiliária I found the possibility of working with a very strong team support, transparency and honesty with all our clients who, in addition to being a business, also managed to make many friends, satisfy their desires, which makes me very happy. and Proud to be able to contribute to the Happiness of our customers. With all this information, I hope it can help you clarify some doubts you may have regarding the sale or rental of your property. I will be available, particularly with my dedication and expertise in the area, so that you can complete the sale of your property in the shortest possible time. We work in the real estate industry where we are committed to selling or renting your property (land, house or business) at the best price on the market and with the best security you need. All of my professional success will depend largely on your level of satisfaction. It is my mission to satisfy my clients based on the rules of real estate conduct that are absolutely fundamental to the completion of the business. Best regards, Jaime Bento Tel. +351 919 753 849 email: jaimebento@dsimobiliaria.pt Read more
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Realised Business
2 Flats
4 Houses
5 Land
3 Property with Business